Summit 2017

How to Defend Allied Democracies against Hostile Influence & Disinformation Operations

May 15 – 19, Prague

THE STRATCOM SUMMIT welcomed altogether 330 participants representing 29 countries over five days. Specifically, 140 government specialists representing 27 countries came to the restricted part of the SUMMIT.



Policy shift overview: How the Czech Republic became one of the European leaders in countering Russian disinformation

Over the last year, the Czech Republic has undergone a major policy shift on the topic of Russian disinformation. Many questions have been raised on how it has happened and what practically it means. This paper aims to bring a simplified overview of what has happened in this particular field in the Czech context since 2014. This Kremlin Watch Report is available in PDF.

A framework guide to tools for countering hostile foreign electoral interference

This brief report aims to enumerate the tools that are nowadays used for hostile electoral interference and how they can be countered. It consists of 35 measures in 15 steps for enhancing the resilience of the democratic electoral process.

Overview of countermeasures by the EU28 to the Kremlin’s subversion operations 

How do the EU28 perceive and react to the threat of hostile influence and disinformation operations by the Russian Federation and its proxies? Kremlin Watch Report available in PDF.


Transcript available in Czech

Organized by:

In co-operation with:

  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
  • NATO Public Diplomacy Division
  • British Embassy in the Czech Republic
  • The European Endowment for Democracy
  • Centre against Terrorism and Hybrid Threats
  • Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic