Strengthening the Czech-Polish policy coordination with regard to the Eastern Partnership, especially to the assistance to Ukraine

A new, more strategic alliance between Poland and the Czech Republic has emerged. Ukraine’s European integration represents an area where Polish and Czech experience and advocacy efforts could significantly boost the chances of Ukraine, currently an EU candidate country, to join the European Union when both Ukraine and the EU are ready and fit for that.

If it is successful in its European integration efforts, Ukraine might further motivate other Eastern Partnership countries, especially Moldova and then also Georgia, to increase reform-oriented efforts towards that goal. Thus, the whole post-Soviet Eastern European region could benefit from the success of Ukraine, the flagship country in this region. This could be a game changer on the European geopolitical chessboard. This is an opportunity that cannot and should not be missed by Ukraine or the EU.

This Policy discussion paper is proposing some initial “food for thought” on practical ways for how such possible Czech‐Polish cooperation could look, and aims at launching more systemic strategic discussion between Czech and Polish experts, diplomats and other public officials.

Seven concrete policy areas have been jointly identified, in which the Czech Republic and Poland could practically assist Ukraine:

  1. Preparations for the accession negotiations – institutional setup and challenges
  2. Joining the Single Market
  3. Military cooperation and assistance
  4. Energy security
  5. Transport and logistics connectivity
  6. Cyber security and other hybrid threats
  7. Media sector

A detailed description of these areas can be found in the Policy discussion paper at the link below.

This policy discussion paper has been produced under the project Czech-Polish Forum 2022. The project is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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