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Indo-Pacific Tea

In 2023, EVC successfully started a new concept of meetings, the Indo-Pacific Tea (in Czech: Indopacifický čaj). This monthly informal networking meeting series serves to strengthen ties between Czech Indo-Pacific experts from think-tanks (such as AMO, Sinopsis, PSSI, Forum for Human Rights), government offices (including the Czech Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior, and Defense) as well as academic and independent experts. Emerging leaders in the expert community based in Prague will be invited to discuss various topics related to the security of the Indo-Pacific region and the Czech Republic. The goals of this informal networking platform are to strengthen ties between the participants’ respective organizations, to foster an exchange of ideas and to facilitate the establishment of relations that can lead to further, more open cooperation in the future. It also helps with providing an in-depth understanding of Taiwan-related issues to a wider expert community generally focused on the Indo-Pacific. Currently, around 40 Czech individual experts are invited to every meeting.

For more information, contact the club’s coordinator, Zuzana Košková ([email protected])