European Values Summit

The European Values Center for Security Policy will host the 10th edition of the European Values Summit, an international conference focused on security policy.
This year’s Summit will take place on September 25, 2024 in Prague.
The previous European Values Summit, held in June 2023, hosted over 250 attendees from more than 20 countries who participated in insightful discussions, shared wartime experiences, and addressed crucial issues such as creating a safer and healthier information environment, strengthening democratic resilience, and countering Russian and Chinese proxies in Europe. The program focused on China’s malign influence and democratic resilience in Taiwan, exploring how Taiwan’s experiences can inform the ongoing struggle to preserve democratic unity in other democracies, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe.
The 10th edition of the European Values Summit will focus on fostering transatlantic cohesion on strategic issues between the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific theaters.
The security and prosperity of both regions are increasingly intertwined, so their alliance and deterrence architectures ought to be analyzed, developed, and strengthened from an inter-theater perspective. EVC seeks to contribute to realizing this goal by creating an inclusive, multi-stakeholder platform for key opinion leaders and officials from America, Asia, and Europe to discuss the shared issues of concern and develop innovative yet actionable policy ideas for addressing them.
These issues will be discussed at the following panels:
Panel 1: Shared Prosperity and Security: Transatlantic Cooperation on Taiwan
Panel 2: Exploring Geopolitical Interdependence between the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Regions: How to Effectively Manage the China Challenge?
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