Czech-Ukrainian Forum

European Values Center for Security Policy is launching a new funding opportunity for cooperation projects of Czech and Ukrainian NGOs: Czech-Ukrainian Forum
Today (26 May 2021) the new grant scheme program for joint Czech-Ukrainian projects implemented by non-government organizations from both countries was presented during the second meeting of the Czech-Ukrainian Forum. The grant scheme is a part of the new European Values Center for Security Policy project aimed at supporting the work and activities of the Forum and at facilitating contacts between Czech and Ukrainian non-government organizations. The project is funded by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its Transition Promotion program (democracy assistance financial instrument).
The objective of this new grant scheme is to further endorse and support cooperation between Czech and Ukrainian non-government organizations. At least 13 small-scale projects will be selected in 2021. The maximum amount of support for an individual project is 50.000 CZK (approx. 65.000 UAH).
„With this grant scheme, we want to give the chance also to including also smaller as well as regional organizations. Therefore, we simplified the application form as well as all procedures as much as possible”, says David Stulík, Head of the Eastern European Program of the European Values Centre of Security Policy and the Co-Chair of the Czech Ukrainian Forum. He adds: “This call is not limited to any specific sector. We are looking to supporting projects that would facilitate the exchange of experience and know-how between Czech and Ukrainian NGOs and further strengthen people-to-people contacts”.
“We, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are always pleased when we can support meaningful projects that can unlock additional potential for Czech-Ukrainian dialogue in various spheres”, states Jaroslav Kurfürst, the Czech Special Envoy for the Eastern Partnership. “This project will allow to pair Czech and Ukrainian non-government organizations to launch and implement cooperation projects”.
We appreciate your interest in this call for proposals. The deadline for submitting projects was 25 June 2021.
All the applicants were informed about the results through the listed e-mail address.
Following organizations qualify for the successful applicants:
Applying organization | Partner organization
- NGO «Europe without barriers» | Intergration Centre Prague
- Non-governmenal organization “Magnolia” | Cesta z krize, z. ú.
- NGO “Media Initiative for Human Rights” | Institut pro politiku a společnost, z.s.
- Non-governmental organization Emmaus | Yourchance o.p.s.
- Charitable organization “Caritas – Lviv UGCC” | Charita Česká republika
- Lviv Municipal Non-Governmental Organization “Children’s TV Theater” YURASHKY” | Lipka – školské zařízení pro environmentální vzdělávání Brno, příspěvková organizace
- Music Export Ukraine | Zabelov Group z. s.
- Ukrainian Initiative in the Czech Republic | International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of the «Lviv Polytechnic» National University
- «WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION of UKRAINE «ACTION-RIVNE» | Sdružení profesního terciárního vzdělávání, z.s.
- NGO “Oleksandriya Gender Information Center” | Team 4 Ukraine, z.s.
- Post Bellum – Ukraine | Post Bellum CZ
- Good card, z.s. | Fond rozvoje územního spolku hromady Dubove
In case you have any further questions, please, contact us at [email protected].