The better understanding of hybrid threats for Ukrainian, Czech and European communities

The better understanding of hybrid threats for Ukrainian, Czech and European communities project is funded by the European Commission, and the grant was provided by the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, a Project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF BST). The project is jointly coordinated by a Ukrainian non-governmental organization Data Journalism Agency ( and the European Values Centre for Security Policy (EVC). The project aims to disseminate objective analytical information to international (mainly European) audiences about ongoing challenges common for both Ukraine and Czechia. Furthermore, it enhances the sharing and exchanging of lessons learned and best practices in such areas as resilience against hybrid threats, disinformation and propaganda campaigns, foreign economic influence, energy security and civil society empowerment. As part of the project, a series of six online joint discussions of experts, civil society activists and public officials streamed on three platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Youtube) and two closed-door workshops for experts from Central and Eastern Europe are organized on various topics.

See all online joint discussions on our Youtube channel below:

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