Ethical Codex

I. Transparent Financing

  1. All revenues shall only be used to promote the values and fulfil the objectives ​​of the Center.
  2. The members of the Supervisory Board perform their work in these bodies voluntarily without the right to compensation.
  3. Every year we publish our activities, team structure, income and expenses in an annual report.
  4. We use a transparent bank account in the following currencies: CZK, EUR, USD, GBP. You can see them here.

II. Conflicts of Interest 

  1. We have not been established by, and are not controlled by, any political party, company, interest group or other entity. All activities of the institution are determined by the Board of Directors and managed by the Executive Director within the Management.
  2. The mission of the Security Center of European Values is to defend liberal democracy, which it does, among other things, by maintaining a broad political agreement on the Euro-Atlantic consensus on Czech foreign and security policy. To achieve this end, it builds relations with representatives of the government and all democratic political parties.
  3. If individual members, staff or associates of the Center intend to take part in election campaigns or the work of any politician or political party in the course of their business, other duties or personal interests, they shall inform the Management Board of European Values ​​in advance. During such engagement, they transparently declare when they act on behalf of the Center and when in another role.
  4. We handle personal data in accordance with the GDPR guidelines.