To Quote Lies is Lying – How Hungary’s Government Amplifies Russian Disinformation on Ukraine

Policy brief within Kremlin Watchers Movement project – May 2023

In Hungary, traditional pro-Russian narratives are mixed with the Orbán government’s official communication, which is itself full of manipulative falsehoods. It is currently an environment where the government not only spreads pro-Russian disinformation, but further employs Kremlin-approved narratives to its domestic policy agenda. Thus, many Hungarians are particularly vulnerable to Russian and related Fidesz government propaganda. As a consequence, Hungary’s democratic institutions are evermore threatened and its open society diminished. Moreover, authoritarian-leaning leaders in the region increasingly model their political behaviour after Orbán.

This policy brief considerers the latest pro-Russian disinformation campaigns underway in Hungary. The analysis offers an overview of false narratives exploited and disseminated by the Fidesz government in pursuit of its anti-Ukrainian posture. With their explanation, this briefing recommends potential solutions, while identifying key constituencies likely susceptible to targeted disinformation operations.