The team of the European Values Think-Tank has been strengthened by Mr. Martin Svárovský who was for 19 years serving at the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Deputy Director of the Central European Department, Deputy Director of the Policy Planning Staff and Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Warsaw and Budapest. Martin will be heading the new Security Strategies Program of the European Values Think-Tank focusing mainly on security interests of the Czech Republic in the context of Trans-Atlantic Alliance, relations with Poland and increasingly aggressive behavior of Russia and China.
“Martin is a significant reinforcement to our team. He has brought in experience from practical diplomacy and past 19 years of Czech foreign and security policy implementation. With the new Security Strategies Program, Martin will extend the range of our think-tank with focus on the Trans-Atlantic Alliance, Central European region and specifics of Czech interests in the global context as an addition to our traditional emphasis on threats of mass immigration, Islamic extremism and malign influence of Russia and China,” explains Radko Hokovský, Chair of the Executive Board at the European Values Think-Tank.
“I am excited to join the European Values team to work on the joint projects. The value-based approach and efficient advocacy of Czech foreign and security interest has brought me here. It is my firm believe that there is a clear linkage between the US engagement in so called Eastern Flank of NATO and the ability of the region to cope with Russian and Chinese malign activities. No doubt the European Values Thank-Tank is a non-governmental leader in this agenda,” says Martin Svárovský, Head of the new Security Strategies Program.
Brief bio:
Martin Svárovský is the Head of the Security Strategies Program and Senior Fellow at the European Values Think-Tank (since 2019). Before he served 19 years at the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs including as the Deputy Director of the Central European Department and the Deputy Director of the Policy Planning Staff, the Deputy Chief of Mission of the Czech Embassies to Budapest and to Warsaw. He is author of the concept of the Czech-Polish Forum and of the mechanisms of commissioning analyses for the MFA (“operative analyses scheme“). Mr. Svárovský regularly publishes articles on Security policy, Trans-Atlantic relations and the Czech Foreign Policy (,, He tweets at @martinsvarovsky in Czech, English and Polish.