Press release: Personnel changes at the European Values Center for Security Policy

The European Values Center for Security Policy enters the new year of 2020 with the following five personnel changes:

As of December 10, 2019, the position of Chairman of the Executive Board was released by Co-founder and long-term Executive Director Radko Hokovský, who is now leaving the organization completely after almost fifteen years. Radko Hokovský is founding a new international think-tank, the European Center for Internal Security, which will focus mainly on combating Islamic extremism and terrorism, preventing mass immigration and ensuring internal security in general within the European context. Dr. Hokovský, who teaches about this issue at Charles University, thus builds on the activities of the Internal Security Program and the international platform HOMEAFFAIRS – Internal Security Forum Prague, which he built in European Values. From the New Year onwards, these activities will continue individually and independently of the European Values Center for Security Policy, which will continue to focus on facing Russia and China in Europe. Because of this division, both activities, which have separate partners, donors and target groups, will be separated transparently.

Petr Holec is becoming the Chairman of the Executive Board. Mr. Holec has been a member of the European Values boards for several years, managing and supervising the organization. He works as a project manager in the commercial sector at Edwards Lifesciences. He received an engineering degree from the Czech-French MFTAP L´Adminitration Publique / Public Administration program and received a master’s degree from the Palackého University in Olomouc (Applied Economics).

Jiří Kopal, who has been cooperating with European Values since 2012 and  founded the League of Human Rights, has left the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Mr. Kopal was responsible for the development of program priorities for the organization, transparent financing and sustainability of the organization, and as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board,supervised adherence to the management rules, statutes and code of ethics.

Jan Famfollet, who in 2015 – 2017 served as Deputy Director for Financial and Project Management and has been a member of the Management Board since 2017, is becoming the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board. He specializes in the economic aspects of European integration, with a particular focus on banking and the development of the post-crisis architecture of the euro area. At present, he works as a senior ministerial advisor at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic and is engaged in doctoral research focused on the EU banking union at the University of Economics in Prague.

David Stulík, who has been an EU diplomat for the past 12 years as a spokesperson for the EU delegation in Kyiv, is joining us as a senior analyst at Kremlin Watch. Until his time in Kyiv, he worked, among others, with People in Need andthe East-West Institute and was a member of the European advisory body of the European Social and Economic Committee. In European Values, David Stulík will focus on activities concerning Russia, Ukraine and Georgia.

The Executive Director Jakub Janda adds the following to these changes:

“I would like to thank Radko Hokovský as a co-founder and longtime director of European Values ​​and Jiří Kopal as a wise mentor for the years of their work. Without them, our organization would not be here today, and we would not be able to grow and fight the enemies of liberal democracy in several European countries at once. Radko and Jiří have led the European Values Center for Security Policy into its imaginary adulthood, and now a new generation can continue the mission.

For the European Values, nothing will change when it comes to the content of our work – we will continue to focus mainly on countering the hostile influence of Russia and China in Europe. Every year as an organization, we grow in terms of personnel and projects. Today, we operate in Central Europe, we have a small team in Germany and our people are implementing projects in Georgia and  the Western Balkans.”


Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt david stulík"

DAVID STULÍK worked for last 12 years as the Press and Information Officer at the EU Delegation in Kyiv, Ukraine. Prior to this position, he was shortly employed in the Czech Deputy Prime Minister Office, where he dealt with the preparations for the Czech EU Presidency. Before joining the public sector, David acted as the Head of Unit for Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova and the Coordinator of democracy projects in Eastern Europe in one of the largest Central European NGOs, People in Need.

Before, he served as the Project Manager at the Civil Society Development Foundation (NROS), which has been predominantly involved in the administration of PHARE programs aimed at the development of civil society in the Czech Republic. There, Mr. Stulik coordinated 3-year projects on preparations of Czech NGOs for EU accession, which was funded by CEE TRUST program.

He also lectured at the Charles University at the Department of Civil Society Sector. After the EU accession, he has been appointed by the Czech government as a member of the European Economic and Social Committee, where he represented the Czech non-governmental sector and also served as the Rapporteur for Belarus.

His professional experience  includes working for the independent Czech think tank, Institute for European policies, Europeum, which he  co-founded. Mr. Stulik also served as Project Manager and Executive Assistant to Senior Vice President of the EastWest Institute, an Euro-American think tank. During his studies, he held the position of Vice President of AEGEE-Europe (European Students’ Association). In 1997, he received the award “Young European of the Year” and, as a result, he conducted a 6-month internship at the European Parliament.

During his previous  stay in Poland, he had been employed at the Polish public radio (Czech service) and worked as a foreign correspondent for a number of Czech media (print, TV, radio). After his return to the Czech Republic in 1998, he co-founded and became the Editor-in-Chief of the monthly magazine Integrace, which shortly became a leading online publication on the EU integration. Eventually, the portal joined the family of European portals of the

Among his fields of interests and competence are: EU enlargement and neighbourhood policy, development of civil society, EU communication policies, EU lobbying, civic dialogue, and the socio-economic consequences of post-communist transition.

Mr. Stulik has MA degree in Society and Politics from the Central European University and MSc in International Economics from the Warsaw School of Economics. He also finished European studies at the Academia Istropolitana NOVA, Slovakia.