KONFERENCE: The secret of Czech success in the European Union

Expert Conference on the priorities of the Czech Republic & their promotion in the EU

Place: Refektář Malostranského paláce – Profesní dům, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK, Malostranské náměstí 25, Praha 1
Organizers: European Values Association and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Conference included contribution on following topics:
Searching for a Key to the Success of the Czech Republic in the EU Hubert Gehring, Head of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Office in the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic in the EU – view from the outside

Václav Lebeda, Programme Director, European Values Association
Presentation of the main conclusions of the publication The Secret of Czech Success in the EU?!

Second panel called Coordination of Priorities of the Czech Republic in the EU tried to find responses to:
a) Who should determine and formulate a list of
Czech priorities in the EU?
b) To what extend is a political consensus
necessary in the European affairs? How to
achieve it?
c) Should the role of the central coordinator be
enacted by law? Who should be a head of the
coordination organ?

Jiří Schneider, First Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of the Czech Republic
What should be the role of the FA Ministry in coordination of the Czech priorities?

Vojtěch Belling, Director General for European Affairs, Office of the Government
Strengths and weakness of European affairs coordination in the Czech Republic: is the new Conception about to bring an improvement?

Luděk Niedermayer, Director of Deloitte Consulting CZ, former Vice-Governor of the Czech National Bank
Economic priorities of the Czech Republic in the EU: how to adjust strategies of different departments?

Tomáš Karásek, Director of the Research Centre of the Association for International Affairs
Foreign and security priorities of the Czech Republic in the EU: how to achieve synergies between departments?

Chair: Radko Hokovský, Chairman, European Values Association

Successful Promotion of the Czech Priorities in the EU

a) What is the biggest obstacle for successful operation of the Czech Republic in the EU?
b) How to explain disinterest of political parties in the European affairs?
c) How to make a best use of Czech officers in the EU institutions and generally of Czechs in Brussels?

Lukáš Macek, Director of the European Programme at Sciences-Po Paris in Dijon
In what kind of EU will the Czech Republic best advance its interest?

Radek Špicar, Vice-President of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic for Economic Policy and Competitiveness
Czech business and the EU: how to strengthen synergies with the state administration and political representation?
What should be the principles for successful operation of the Czech Republic in the EU? What can political parties do to improve the current situation?

Marek Ženíšek, Vice-President of TOP 09 for International Affairs, Deputy Minister of Justice for International Relations
Vladimír Špidla, Spokesman of ČSSD for European Affairs, former Member of the European Commission and Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

Chair: Václav Lebeda, Programme Director, European Values Association2