The European Values Think-tank has successfully organized four annual programmes of the European Values Network – a unique educational and policy-research programme for young scholars and professionals. The programme involved every year around fifty participants from approx. sixteen EU member states who took part in working groups, which met during three-day workshop meetings in Brussels and four-day workshop and conference meetings in Prague. So far four EVN programmes were organised in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. More information at

The European Values Network (EVN) is a platform of young European scholars and professionals who are inspired by the values of liberty, personal responsibility, and an active civil society, and who want to propose solutions to enhance Europe’s freedom, safety, strength, and prosperity.

Chief “local” Organizer: Milan C. Jelic (Argentina/Croatia)
EVN Participants: Igor Breitner (HU), Cillian O Donough (IR), Radko Hokovsky (CZ), Milda Macenaite (LT), Maximo Miccinilli (IT), Antonio Dai Para (IT), Theo Vasilopoulos (GR)

EVN was found in 2006 by European Values o.s. in cooperation with partners from Germany, Poland and Hungary. Today EVN is the biggest and most important programme of EV, which is managed together with the EVN International Organizing Committee. Every year new participants join our annual programme and, within working groups, meet in Brussels and Prague, and have the opportunity to discuss their proposals with leading European politicians and experts. The output of EVN – the publication of policy papers – is then distributed widely between institutions and organizations in Europe.
The European Values Network 2011 Meeting in Zagreb included a Discussion Meeting with Professor Ante Barisic at the Political Science Faculty in the University of Zagreb and discussions on the European Values Movement.