European Values Talk: EU-Taiwan cooperation on countering disinformation and Chinese aggression


Markéta Gregorová is a Czech Member of the European Parliament, representing the Greens Group on issues related to disinformation or technology. She is one of the leading EU voices on countering hostile disinformation organized by authoritarian regimes like Russia and China. Second panelist is Puma Shen, Chairman of Double Think Lab.


Markéta Gregorová, Member of the European Parliament
Puma Shen, Chairman of Double Think Lab

Moderated by:

Jakub Janda, Director, European Values Center for Security Policy, Czech Republic


Live stream:

Watch it online on Youtube or Facebook.


Friday, October 29, 2021

14:00 – 15:00 CET, 20:00 – 21:00 Taipei time


With the support of: