[18. 2. 2021] European Values Talk #11: Comparing foreign malign influence in Georgia (on-line panel debate)


The European Values Centre for Security Policy, in cooperation with the Atlantic Council DRFLab, Civic Idea, The Georgian Reform Association (GRASS), and Media Development Foundation, are hosting an online talk “Comparing foreign malign influence in Georgia”. The aim of this discussion is to bring attention to the broad spectrum of problems introduced in the report available here, as well as the campaigns and activities implemented and sponsored mainly by the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China.

The honorable guest of the talk will be the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Georgia, Mr. Petr Mikyska.

This event is a part of the two-year project aiming to enhance and strengthen the Georgian civil society’s resilience in mapping and facing the malign foreign influence. The project is supported by the Transition Promotion Program of The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Emerging Donors Challenge Program of the USAID.


Keynote speaker: Mr. Petr Mikyska, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Georgia

Givi Gigitashvili, Eto Buziashvili, Atlantic Council’s DRF LAB
Ani Kintsurashvili, Civic IDEA
David Naroushvili, GRASS
Maiko Ratiani, Tamar Kintsurashvili, MDF Program at the European Values


David Stulík, Head of Eastern European Program, EVC


Thursday, February 18, 2021

15:00 CET (18:00 GET)


[tmm_video cover_image=”” cover_image_on_mobiles=”1″ width=”” height=”640″ sc_id=”sc695636308237″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgV6Gy2oMJA[/tmm_video]

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