Support us
We would be grateful for your financial support.
Use the following form to choose which program will receive your donation:

You can support us by scanning the QR code within your internet banking app.
You can also send your donation directly to the transparent account of European Values at 2300405420/2010.
In the message to the recipient, write “DAR_program code + your name and surname” and send an e-mail with your personal information to confirm the sending of this gift to: dary(at)
What type of donation would help us the most? We would be grateful for a recurring monthly payment, even of a smaller amount. It will help us make plans and evaluate our future financial capabilities. Thank you very much for your support.
We strictly maintain our independence from political parties and interest groups. See our Ethics Code and transparent account in CZK, EUR, USD, and GBP.
By donating, the donor agrees to the processing of the information provided, as well as other information relevant to the gift of the recipient, for accounting purposes, for annual reports and financial statements of the recipient, and for providing the donor with information about other donation options, organizational activities, and statistics.